Protecting the health, safety and welfare of Village inhabitants
Code Enforcement
Maintaining community standards by ensuring compliance with local ordinances, zoning regulations, and municipal codes within our jurisdiction.

Southampton Village Police Department’s code enforcement officers enforce local ordinances related to property maintenance and use, noise regulations, signage, parking, litter and debris, and other quality-of-life issues. They investigate complaints from residents and businesses and take appropriate action to address violations. The code enforcement department also ensures that properties comply with zoning regulations, land use restrictions, and building codes.
Code enforcement officers may conduct routine inspections of properties to identify violations of building codes, health and safety regulations, and environmental ordinances. They may also issue citations, warnings, and notices of violation to property owners who fail to comply with local ordinances. Our code enforcement department collaborates with other government agencies, such as building departments, health departments, fire departments, and other law enforcement agencies, to address issues and ensure comprehensive enforcement of our local regulations.